Did you read that blog post title in a valley girl accent? Because I said it in one. We are on a fantastic little trip up the Oregon coast. Me+sister in law+5 kids+1 minivan= awesomefunloudcrazytimes.
Pics you say?
There is video but Ill spare your ears. Lets see the drive was supposed to take like 8 hours and it took a bit longer. All things considered they were all angels. If you study the photos you see 5 kids in carseats, TWO rear facing! Wow za! Minivans rock my socks! We got to the hotel and the kids bout demo'd the room in 35 seconds. SIL and I just stared and zoned out while eating Cheetos and checking our emails. All hail wi fi! They begged and begged for the beach so we caved.
That's all for now folks! Look at me all making posts the day of not 6 months later.
Loved this! All hail wifi! hahaha. Hope you are having a wonderful time!