Saturday, June 14, 2014

The catch up post.

So it has been almost a year since I posted and I am so ashamed. I solemnly swear to make a post at least once a month. I am so scared I won't remember all these times if I don't. I don't even know where to start...

Maybe I'll just go month by month.. Last post was last June...

Last June we decided we had to move. It was sad. I was sad but hopeful this would make our lives easier. Our old home was beautful and in the BEST area. But it was small and we couldn't afford it really even at all. And I really really wanted to stay home. So we sold it ourselves. NO REALTOR. It worked fine and we moved from this rural little 2 bedroom place to this amazing mansion. JUST kidding. We moved to a much larger but it worse shape house in September. With people around us and kids next door and a fenced backyard and affordable payments. God was working for us overtime. He is great. Now we have been here 9 months and feel so at home. I quit my job and I am doing childcare in my home. It is such a blessing to be here with my kids. To not have to drop them off here and there and stress about my boss not liking certain things.. Thank you JESUS.

 So we moved in and promptly started painting... we are still painting. ha ha! And attacking the yard. Typical home ownership stuff..

So the concludes my moving post. Next post will be the thanksgiving post. I think.