I STILL don't have a nativity scene! So I used my willow tree figure and some Ikea mice. Oh well. You get the scene. (ok ok I'll get a less blasphemous set).
I also did a little "craft" this Christmas. This was my very first time, I think, being totally creative on my own. My last years tree was a white fake one. You know the kind:
Anyways somehow it developed an odor. I took it out of the shed and it smelled FUNKY. Like old cat pee smoker funkee. I was so sad. I really wanted a Christmas tree in the bedroom too. I know. Its over the top. I love Christmas its so sparkly! and lovely and fun! Thank you Jesus for being born. I couldn't bear to part with the funky white walmart tree so I took the top third and put it in a cute mason jar with lights. I put all our sacred ornaments on it. Far from the cat and dog and children. Then I knocked it over with a pillow and broke Shirley's glass ball baby ornament. I suck. Please find me a 2012 pink glass ball one, anyone!
It is hard to keep kids off the tree. Case in point: Little miss and the ribbon:
And FINALLY Christmas