There I said it. I am skinny. I wear a size 4 (sometimes even a 2 and sometimes I even shop in the little girl section at Target) and I have a child. So shoot me. This will be my controversial post. I don't understand why curvy girls can be proud of being curvy but I can't be proud of my size.
Anyways I have been thinking a lot about why I have never really been overweight (besides during and after my pregnancy). I know some of it has to do with genetics but I am sure some of it has to do with what I do everyday and my normal habits.
1. I breastfeed. This helps a lot. I lost 70 pounds after I had my son. I got pregnant at 140 delivered at 199 and I am now at 130.
2. Except for an occasional glass of whole milk or a blended coffee drink I do not drink calories. It is a waste of calories. No juice and no soda with sugar.
3. I park far away from the door because I am horrible at parking. ha ha!
4. When I start to gain weight I don't reach for the loose jeans I squeeze into my small pair. This reminds me to watch my portions.
5. Every once in a while I do a few days of food journaling to make sure I am eating right. I use an app on my iphone but you can use a paper and pen.
6. I use small plates.
7. I only eat when I am hungry. This sounds simple but there have been times when I have eaten just because it is dinner time. Sometimes I am not even hungry I am just thirsty.
8. No seconds on carbs.
9. More veggies than carbs.
10. If I pig out at lunch I have a yogurt or a can of veggies for dinner.
11. I tighten my abs when I am driving.
12. I eat nothing "low fat" if I am going to have ice cream its going to be normal and all natural. I am convinced it keeps me fuller longer and meets my cravings for longer.
12. I read the label ALWAYS and eat accordingly.
13. I hardly snack and when I do its a handful of cheerios, some fruit, a slice of cheese or some lunch meat.