Sunday, April 28, 2013

On Vacay!

Did you read that blog post title in a valley girl accent? Because I said it in one. We are on a fantastic little trip up the Oregon coast. Me+sister in law+5 kids+1 minivan= awesomefunloudcrazytimes. 

Pics you say? 


There is video but Ill spare your ears. Lets see the drive was supposed to take like 8 hours and it took a bit longer. All things considered they were all angels. If you study the photos you see 5 kids in carseats, TWO rear facing! Wow za! Minivans rock my socks! We got to the hotel and the kids bout demo'd the room in 35 seconds. SIL and I just stared and zoned out while eating Cheetos and checking our emails. All hail wi fi! They begged and begged for the beach so we caved. 



That's all for now folks! Look at me all making posts the day of not 6 months later. 

Thursday, April 25, 2013

More catch up.

I'm bbbaaaccckkkk... Dinner is simmering on the stove. Chicken Fried Rice, brown rice of course since I am such a good momma. :) Lets keep on catching up... 

Samson and his cousin made a fort. How cute is that. Love those boys. 

A miracle happened and Shirley fell asleep at church in daddy's arms. Sometimes I like to keep her with me in the service just so I can love on her. And keep her away from the germs... 
  Look at her chunky thigh sweetness!!
 I was a cat for halloween. Meow!
 Samson was a dragon but wouldn't wear the hat. That's my hubby love. Down the block the whole cul de sac goes a little crazy for halloween. They have a party with hot apple cider, a trebuchet, candy bars and a little haunted graveyard. 

For Thanksgiving I ditched the hubby (just kidding, he had to work) and went to Logan, Utah to visit my sister Kayla. She had a baby! Its was my second time in Utah. I love it there. It is so pretty and nice. Here we are on the drive to Sacramento.
 Shirley is already playing on an ipad.
 Made it to the Sacramento hotel. She was so happy to be out of the car.
 I think we sort of look alike here.
 I send my hubby a lot of selfies when I am away.
 Samson loved the airport.

 He even carried his own stuff. :)

 Some mountain scenery!

 The turley!! Yummy!!
 Some more scenery!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Dear Blog,
     Its been 8 months since we have spoken. I am so ashamed. What will the children say? I better catch you up. 

So in October we had a baby girl turn 5 months old. Is she a cutie or what?! Of course now she is 12 months so she got even cuter....

 We had friends over in late August everyday! We did bubbles and other fun stuff.

This one time Samson got ahold of a marker and turned it into makeup... thank you Lord for washable markers.
 I don't know if I mentioned we got a cat. At first his name was Jafar, now its Lukey. We saved him, he was a little feral kitten. We aren't even really cat people. But he is cool, low maintenance except for the whole leukemia positive thing. He only likes me and Shirley. Which is good because she follows his fluffy tail everywhere and then pulls on it.

 Casey taught Samson how to play magic cards! Okay not really, its a really hard game. They just pulled out the strongest looking Dragons and "fought" them. Just another day in my nerd kingdom.

 We made bread a lot. And when I say made bread I mean put all the stuff in the bread machine and walk away.

 Every once in a while I get a photo with me and whatever kid jumps in.

 Ten dollar keyboard from thrift store. Worth. every. penny. Feel like we got hours of fun out of this. My house is really messy in that photo and I could lie and say it doesn't look like that but I won't. I'll say this, my house never looks like that; when I take photos.

 I took Shirley to work with me a few times. There we are campaigning to save higher education. On the right is a throwback of Samson and I doing the same thing a  few years ago. Same ergo different kid. Long live the ergo! ;)

I cleaned my fridge and it totally still looks like that.... not.

 This is Samson waiting on his Poppi. He is going over to play. Sweet blessings! We are so thankful to live a mile away.

Well that is it. Next post will be Halloween, Thanksgiving and if I am really motivated Christmas. This catching up thing is hard.